Join me as we explore the depths of the eight limbs of yoga, from ethical principles to divine union.
Beyond the Mat: Exploring Yoga's Ancient Wisdom with Patanjali
As I reflect on my early days with yoga, it's clear that my journey began with simple intentions to move my body and find some peace of mind. Yoga was introduced to me as a workout routine, promising physical benefits and stress relief. And honestly, that's all I was looking for at the time. Each time I stepped off my mat I felt peace, stillness and calm, but even after experiencing these great benefits I wasn’t able to stay consistent with the Asana practice which I referred to as “yoga” at that time. That was the start in 2016.
Fast forward to 2022 I started doing yoga Asana classes consistently and was introduced for the first time to the science of Yoga in the class setting. So intrigued and my heart calling to listen to these teachings further, drawn to deepen my practice, I decided to pursue yoga teacher training, where I was introduced to the teachings of Patanjali’s Eight Limbs of Yoga. It wasn't until my journey took me to yoga teacher training that I truly delved into these ancient principles. At first, it all seemed a bit overwhelming and out of reach. Who was I to think I could master these ancient teachings? But as I immersed myself in the training, I discovered that these limbs were guiding me towards something profound.
So, with a mix of excitement and curiosity, I unrolled my mat and dove into the physical practice of asanas. It felt good to move my body, to stretch and strengthen, to find moments of stillness amidst the chaos of everyday life. Yet, beneath the surface of each pose, there lay a deeper realm waiting to be explored a realm illuminated by the eight limb path of yoga as delineated by Patanjali.
Yama (Restraints) - Ethical guidelines including non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, moderation, and non-possessiveness.
Niyama (Observances) - Personal disciplines such as cleanliness, contentment, self-discipline, self-study, and surrender to a higher power.
Asana (Postures) - Physical poses practiced to promote strength, flexibility, and balance, preparing the body for meditation.
Pranayama (Breath Control) - Conscious regulation of breath to cultivate life force energy, calming the mind and enhancing vitality.
Pratyahara (Withdrawal of Senses) - Turning inward by detaching from external distractions, preparing for deeper states of concentration.
Dharana (Concentration) - Focused concentration on a single point or object to develop mental clarity and stability.
Dhyana (Meditation) - Continuous flow of awareness leading to a state of profound stillness and connection with the essence of being.
Samadhi (Union) - Ultimate view of yoga, a state of profound union with the divine or higher consciousness, transcending individual identity.
You see, I didn't come to yoga with grand aspirations of enlightenment or spiritual mastery. I was just an ordinary person, seeking a way to feel better in my own skin and quiet the endless chatter in my mind. But as I continued to show up on the mat, something profound began to shift within me.
I started to notice subtle changes not just in my body, but in how I moved through the world. The more I practiced, the more I realized that yoga was about much more than just physical exercise. It was about cultivating a deeper connection with myself and with the world around me.
Today, as I sit in gratitude for the journey yoga has taken me on, I am humbled to realize that I am still very much a student of these ancient teachings. Yoga is not just a practice; it is a way of life a lifelong journey of self-discovery and growth. And as I continue to explore the limbs of yoga, I am filled with excitement to share this transformative practice with others from the depths of my heart and from the wellspring of my own personal experience.
If you're hesitant to begin your journey into Yoga due to fear or doubt, remember that you can choose any of the 8 limbs that resonate with you. Whether you step onto the mat or not, the essence of Yoga can meet you wherever you are in your life.
Reach out to me for a free chat on what a 1:1 yoga session could look like for you and your needs!